My Best Advice List
February 3, 2023
Look to the Eagle in the East
April 4, 2023
Well, well. Apparently, I am so wrapped up in my new project-based work life that I failed to realize I have been doing this blogging thing for five years.
What’s even more embarrassing? I googled the history of blogging and came across this:
“2002 was a big year for blogging, but 2003 turned out to be even bigger.”
-Dianna Gunn
Themeisle.com Contributor

Confession: I love being 20 years behind, not doing anything trendy or hip. Some find me annoying, which I also love. I’m just being me. Unfiltered and estrogen free, thanks to breast cancer. Middle age is so liberating.
I think the problem rests with the now-ancient term “blog,” which was first used in May 1999 as a joke, apparently a shortened version of the term “weblog,” which was coined in December 1997. Early blogs were etched on cave walls, then broadcast to the general public via smoke signals.
So, if blogging is so uncool and outdated, what is it I do?
I write 400 words once a month about whatever comes to mind. Think Seinfeld for the 2020s. The process takes me all of 60 minutes to write, pick out images, and set up in MailChimp to blast into your inbox the last Sunday of the month at 5 a.m. MST.
The secret is out. I write a monthly column about nothing. Let’s turn this into a classic if/then statement.
monthlycolumnaboutnothing = moncolabno
Or even better:
monthlycolumnaboutnothing = moncolabnot
monthlycolumnaboutnothing = colabnot
(applying the same logic as weblog to blog)
There. You are reading the Middle-age Moxie Colabnot.
Let’s keep our little ecret-say on the ownload-day. Eh?
Thank you for hanging in there with me!

P.S. The picture of me above appeared in my first blog post in January 2018. Which, by the way, would not have been possible without the assistance of Nick Rizzi, who provided such a generous introductory endorsement to this post. Nick is a long-time mentee and now highly-successful realtor in the Denver metro area.
All my posts are available at https://www.dianemsimard.com/blog-archive/ for your insomniatic reading pleasure. Someday I’ll be taking them down, publishing them in a “best of” book and charging buyers to read them. Isn’t capitalism a beautiful thing?
God Bless America.