Resilience After a Gut-wrenching Business Exit
November 29, 2022
My Best Advice List
February 3, 2023
Happy welcome to 2023!
This year is gonna be the one. The best yet. Why? Cuz apparently, we may or may not finally have the recession Wall Street types have been predicting for months, plus interest and tax rates are on a trajectory to Saturn. Eye roll.
I’m feeling chippy. 2022 sucked the big one at times, but I survived. I got Covided in February, shockingly laid off from my job of 14 years in June, and vasovagaled in October. Through it all, I wrote a book of my life and business principles, started outlining and writing stories for another book, launched a podcast and monthly newsletter, put together a speaker reel, finally finished watching all the Gilmore Girls episodes, visited my husband, Rene’s, family in New England for the first time in three years, and hosted my entire family for four days over Thanksgiving. We had a blast during both family visits, sharing stories and tears. The magnitude of a family’s love is tremendous.
Ultimately, I realized downer events are part of the spinning carousel of chaos called life, with plenty of dysfunctional thrills thrown in. So, what am I supposed to do about it? Write about the experiences—which I refer to as unlikely gifts—then share them with whomever is interested.
Speaking of, my cherished list of interested readers and listeners grew by 135 percent in 2022! My heartfelt thanks to you for coming along for the ride. I appreciate feedback, so please reply to this email (your email reply will come only to me) or reach out through the contact link on my website.

What I’m STILL Loving Right Now
A few years back, I declared how much I enjoy the Netflix series, Firefly Lane. The script is crisp and the acting superb, but the music is what speaks loudest. Not since The Sopranos’ incredible run on HBO have I been so impressed with how something as simple as background music can complete a show. The first half of season 2 of Firefly Lane is now streaming, and episode 2 features the original acoustic version of “Can’t Find My Way Home,” written by Steve Winwood and performed by Blind Faith.
Back in 1969, Blind Faith came together in England after Eric Clapton’s former group, Cream, and Winwood’s former group, Traffic, split. They were joined by Ginger Baker and Ric Grech and produced only one album and a three-month summer tour as Blind Faith. “Can’t Find My Way Home,” from the group’s self-titled album, is melancholy folk rock at its absolute finest. Think about how things were in the world in 1969 and where we are today.
2022 was a year of bumps and letdowns, but many had it much worse than me (that’s a special shout-out to my followers from Ukraine who are reading this).
After floundering for a few months, I am grateful to have found my way home.
To Auld Lang Syne,